Monday 24 October 2011

abOUT lOOOOveee.....!!!!

". I will love you if we do not know each other ... I will always love you if you did not say" I love you "to me ... I will always smile when I think of you. .... and ... now I just want to say that I only want to be a girl hiding in love ..... even though I know,,, we actually love match ...."

hakhakhakhak .....

continued ....

you know why ..???

~ I can not be the best girl for you.

~ when you are with me,,,, I think I will make you depressed ...

~ and I did not want my heart sick because of love.

~ and I promised to myself.

cam lawak pulakk.....ayat hancur nak mampuih....!!!!

sorry r...aku tak reti la wat ayat jiwang karat ni.....

nie just practise jew....

tapi kalau orang yang "uh" bace,,,,bace leklok eaw.....!!!

nak cakap kat ko dpn2,,,,

takut maaaa.....

hahaha....pape r aku dah merapu meraban merapat at sini,,,,,,
 k chow dluw eaw darling2.....


_jawb aw slm aku uh_-_-_

Sunday 16 October 2011

BARO so cute....!!!

sory ...entry nyh  tntg korea ea....

peminat korea fhm la....

nyh ade video band B1A4....

BARO punye sore memang man gle....!!!

ny dye BARO....

jgn pnye...