Thursday 9 April 2015



very difficult to solving statistic question right now.. why? reason is because i do not focus in class, maybe lecturer not suitable for me.

i like young lecturer bacause they understand me.. they move faster but they can make people understand topic by topic. waa... really tired to understand right now.. question lecturer give only one of them i can answered.

some people say he was the best, but maybe not for me. different from other outlook. "they all not me"

but i will try hard for understand , actually first week we all study without book,, so hard right.. what we can do? just complaint and waiting for information that book is coming.. second week already have book but,,, so scary when look at that book.. why that book looking scary? because from first page until end i found only boring book right.. ? for fun we must make a colourful book. that is better..

hahahaha.. okay i'm done. maybe my language ,grammar is trouble. dont worry. i think you will understand what i want to say..lalalalala...(dont want people look i'm loser)


Thursday 2 April 2015

bila alarm kereta problem, di rumah jelah kejenya


kereta kenari aku buat hal. dari hari sabtu.. aiyoyo..

malu la kalau ingat cerita hari tu.. tak nak ingat dah. malu sangat...

bayangkan kunci tak boleh guna, aku bawak je kereta tu dengan alarm yang bising nak mampus tu lepas habis kelas. bayangkan kat ukm pada waktu petang. betapa jammed nya la kan. aku gerak terus ke bengkel kereta , ingatkan nak matikan alarm. tak nak guna dah. rela guna manual je. kereta lama mana sesuai pakai alarm bagai lagi ini.

tapi tauke cina tu kata kena pakai jugak. dah kenapa? pelik aku sebab aku pompuan, bagi aku aku loading sangat bila orang cakap pasai kereta..hahahha..

aku ingat dah okay dua tiga hari lepas tu aku nak pi zakat kat salak,, oh no tak boleh on

sakitnya tuh di sini..

aku dah lama nanti nak pi zakat kot. bayangkan dengan dah siap dah. kunci tak boleh bukak. menangis tak berlagu lah aku... esok last hantar dah.. 

until sekarang dia tak bernyawa. ayah aku dah balik outstation pon dia tak pi hantar kedai.. aiyoyo.. sabtu nih aku pinjam keta adik pompuan aku la.. beshnya dapat naik vitara.. suzuki vitara.. hurmmm.. biar je kereta aku macam tu. meluat dah aku tengok.. 

doa doakan ye kereta kita tu okay. geramnyaaa.... okay. done